Wedding guest dress..

May 20, 2017

Wedding guest

We had a family wedding and it was like a big family reunion! So many little ones running in every direction. I wore this nude lace dress which I am completely obsessed with! It is so beautiful and classy! Great for so many occasions! The girls wore dresses from Neiman Marcus and J. Crew They were darling! Once we take a picture for memories, I do not care how dirty the girls get! We can always clean anything or worst case throw it away. I just love for them to play outdoors and learn and experience everything there is. I love for their toes to touch the grass barefoot and run wild. All these things are little tiny things that are very important for their development. Also, for when they are older, I still love to be barefoot in the grass! Anyway, we had a great time staying at my Aunt house and loved that they got to meet all of my cousins children!! πŸ˜„

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